Just because we couldn’t produce it yesterday, doesn’t mean we can’t produce it today! At Faber, innovation means that we continuously work to improve our products to meet the ever changing product and emission requirements.
Research and Development Program
Our burner technology is advancing every day. We have a Research and Development department that is dedicated to making product performance improvements. The goal of our research and development program is to continuously reduce burner emissions and increase combustion efficiency while maintaining burner safety and flame stability and low noise and vibration levels. The key points of our Research and Development program are:
- Dedicated PhDs on staff specializing in Combustion and Fluid Dynamics
- Full support from the Engineering and Manufacturing departments
- FluentTM Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling of air flow and combustion
- Physical air flow modeling with helium bubbles
- Combustion testing in a full scale package boiler with a CEM system and data acquisition system